Spirituality in the Elementary Environment

Spirituality in the Elementary Environment A child is born along with their essence, vital energy, and life purpose. Thus, each of us begins to write our book of life from the very moment of conception. From that precise instant, we start to connect with the magic of our own essence, with that unique energy that […]

Research in an Elementary Environment

Once upon a time… and so begins this great story. The story that Carmela Fierro, our trainer, invited us to experience during the Elementary workshop. Are you ready? Here we go! Anyone who has been part of a Montessori Elementary environment can identify the challenge posed by teamwork and research projects that children go through […]

Aids for Cognitive Development – Ale Rosas

Aids for Cognitive Development Cognitive development allows children to gradually acquire knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Day-to-day activities that take place at home and in our Montessori environments significantly help in building a strong foundation for this development. Through the daily life activities that we do to take care of ourselves and […]

Montessori for ages 0 to 3 – Gabriela Velázquez

Montessori for ages 0 to 3 Gaby Velázquez, our 0 to 3 AMI trainer, joined the Montessori Education with Jesse McCarthy podcast to talk about Montessori for ages 0 to 3 and share valuable insights about children in this age group. Gaby and Jesse find synergy in exploring subjects such as tantrums, setting limits, and […]

María Montessori

Tras celebrar los 153 años del natalicio de María Montessori, su legado permanece a través de todos los que continuamos inspirándonos y aprendiendo de ella. Su filosofía continúa empoderando las mentes jóvenes, convirtiendo a todos los niños en miembros de la sociedad. Sabias que… – De pequeña, María acompañaba a su madre Renilde a un […]

Evening routine with young children

Have you ever wondered why your little ones’ nighttime routine isn’t working, even though you’ve tried everything? For some dads, the nighttime routine can be a challenge. Children at this time are tired and less receptive to what we tell them. Many times in our search for the perfect routine, we try one new strategy […]